The Social Justice Project
Social justice is a political and philosophical concept that all people should have equal access to wealth, health, well-being, justice and opportunity. Capital Prep students are taught that they have an obligation to work to correct circumstances that are unjust when they infringe upon their community.
The Social Justice Project (“SJP”) is a performance based task where students will demonstrate their ability to question, research, lead, act, present, and reflect in order to confront a social injustice in their community. It is an example of synthesis, the assembling of critical elements of what the students learned in a new combination, product or other form. Social justice is not a spectator sport. The project will be evidence of the students ability to fulfill the mission of Capital Preparatory Magnet School and is a graduation requirement for high school seniors.
In order to pass the Social Justice Project, students must do the following:

Identify a social justice problem in the community.

Create an informed “Social Justice Action Plan.”

Conduct activities that will attempt to solve the problems.

Raise awareness in the broader community.

Plan a raising awareness event or series of events.

Analyze data throughout your project.